Again, I'm going to have some fun with this and post two different pics. This first one is more recent; I took it in Morro Bay in April of this year when HubbyButt and I went over and met my cousin and her boyfriend for dinner. This was taken right around sunset, but you can't tell because the day was really overcast and rainy - basically one of those days when it's really nice to curl up with some cocoa and a really good book. What you see in this picture is fishing net on a giant reel; the white things are buoys. I just love the contrast of all the colors in the net against each other and against the steely sky and black reel. I would really like to be able to zoom in on the netting a bit to show off the texture of the net and the buoys and the reel itself; I think rust is just a beautiful texture when photographed. I'd also really like to submit this to the county fair here; our county always has a really big photo exhibit.

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