I took one photo just over three years ago that I never got printed (I was kicked out of my dad's house and when he was throwing all my stuff on the lawn, he neglected to check under my bed and throw in my $300 Konika-Minolta...). Before I moved in with him, I had been nannying for a family with two little girls in northern California. One the first nice day of the year, the sun was warm and it wasn't raining, I took the girls outside to take pictures of them for Mother's Day gifts. One picture of the then-three year old was absolutely beautiful: she was picking dandelions and sticking them in her hair. I got this shot lined up where it really looked like she had a halo of dandelions; the lighting was perfect, the redwoods behind her were glorious and the look on her face was beautiful. I'm really sad I lost my camera with that roll of film in it, and that I'll never have the chance to reclaim it.

I love taking pictures of people and nature. I would really like to take off to the Sierras sometime in the fall or late summer and just spend time hiking and being with my family and taking pictures of God's handiwork. Some of my favorite pictures to take are close-ups of flowers. I just adore the diversity of colors, textures, sizes, all that. I also love how I can focus in on just one flower in the middle of a large group and have all the others out of focus.
I can't wait until Princess arrives so that I can start to document every little aspect of her; her physical features, her personality, how she grows a little more every day.
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