Right now, I have 2 pictures that make me happy. The first was taken last June, when HubbyButt and I decided to spend some time taking pictures in the park. He tackled me and started tickling me, so I couldn't decide if I was supposed to laugh or be angry. Hehe. I really really love this picture. As our friend Wendy put it when talking about another picture taken the same day, "In 20 years you'll look back on this one and remember the new love glowing in your eyes!" I think we got married a week or 2 after this picture was taken, and Wendy's right, there is new love glowing in our eyes; we just make each other so happy!
This second one is the first one taken of Princess where she actually looks like a baby. Her heart was nice and strong even then. The day this picture was taken the first time we ever heard our little girl's heartbeat. I'll never

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