What better day than the 4th of July for my first "What tickles your fancy?" I love the 4th, not because I have any traditions that I keep, but there's just a festive air about the whole day. It seems that people are more patient and understanding and grateful for one another when they take time to be grateful for the independence we as Americans are blessed with. It probably doesn't hurt that a lot of people are off tomorrow as well, and therefore don't have to worry about partying it up tonight, but c'est la vie.
I suppose I do have a small tradition that I've developed over the last few years (or my whole life, if you ask my mom). Since I don't have a steady group of friends to go out and do things with, I have no problem (I almost prefer it now...) staying home in my jammies watching the Boston Pops. I love seeing the big groups of people all gathered together, just celebrating their independence and the fact that they can all get together in one place and not be suspected of criminal activity or something.

I must admit that I'm really excited for next year, when Princess will be here. I think all holidays get a little more fun and exciting when you add a child to the mix. At this time next year, Princess will be just about 10 months old. I'm sure she'll be scared of all the loud noises, but I can just imagine her little face, enraptured by the fireworks. Personally, I was TERRIFIED of fireworks until I was in high school. I remember one year my dad took my brother and myself to the fireworks display at the local junior college football stadium, and on the way home we saw a house that was on fire; I don't think I'll ever forget seeing the destruction that can come from festivity and stupidity. I was only about six or seven at the time, and that image has just stuck with me.
I am so grateful to all members of every military branch that are currently serving and that have served in the past. Their bravery is astounding, and it's something I don't think I could ever do. Thank you for protecting your country and putting your lives on the line, I don't think that gets said enough. My prayers are with you and your families.
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