Clean and organize our closet
Clean and organize the laundry area
Slim down to 220 pounds
Take lots and lots of pictures of Monkey, HubbyButt and myself (I'll never be done with this one!)
So, I didn't stick to my goals for the week, but I did get other stuff done!
Update on Cleaning Goals
On Monday, HubbyButt and I got our room totally clean.
It's now much more functional! I finally got HubbyButt to move the DVD player and PlayStation from our bedroom to the living room. The bookshelf in the first picture is now between our bed and the entertainment center, and it's totally organized, there's nothing spilling out of it now!
I WILL be tackling our closet this week, it's a disaster!
I also got the kitchen organized, but forgot to take before and after
pictures. I moved all the spices, baking supplies and bread to the pantry so the cats can't get to them, then I organized the kitchen rack with all the mixing and serving bowls. Pots and pans are still in a lower cabinet, but they are organized. The biggest surprise in completing this task was finding about 100 bags of popcorn! Yes, we eat a lot of popcorn, but not THAT much! Guess what we'll be snacking on? Can you say, "Date night?"
Update on Weight Loss Goals
Anna and I walked about 15 miles this week. I've been drinking a lot of water and a lot of Crystal Light, but I did have a few sodas. I gained .4 pounds this week and am now at 225. I really think it's muscle, as my clothes are fitting a lot better than they were two week ago. Monkey is still 13 pounds.
Update on Christ-relationship Goals
I am keeping up with my reading, and am on pace to read the whole Bible in 88 days (no, I'm not two days ahead, there are two grace days in the reading plan). Leviticus and Numbers were extremely difficult to complete, but I got through it with God's help!
Update on our Sam's Club Purchases
I didn't cook anything new this week, so these are unchanged from last week.
Goals For This Week
Prepare and stick to a meal plan
Clean and organize our closet
Clean and organize the laundry area
Slim down to 223 pounds (5 pound was not realistic, 2 is)
Keep up with Bible and Bible study readings
Take lots and lots of pictures of Monkey, HubbyButt and myself
Maintain the rooms I've already got clean and organize
That's my Sunday Update and updated goals! What are your goals for this week?
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